Good Sugar Bad Sugar tackles the biggest dietary threat to the modern world: The addiction to refined sugar and processed carbohydrates, which is causing epidemics in obesity and Type 2 diabetes on a global scale. Sugar and carb consumption is an addiction that begins at birth, but once you free yourself with Easyway, you'll enjoy better health, higher levels of energy, dramatically improved body shape, and a happier, healthier lifestyle.
Allen Carr has helped millions worldwide and he can do the same for you.
His books have sold over 16 million copies worldwide while countless more people have been helped through his network of clinics. Allen Carr's Easyway has spread all over the world for one reason alone: BECAUSE IT WORKS.
What people say about Allen Carr's Easyway method:
"The Allen Carr program was nothing short of a miracle" – Anjelica Huston
"His skill is in removing the psychological dependence" – The Sunday Times
"I know so many people who turned their lives around after reading Allen Carr's books" – Sir Richard Branson