Have you been displaced from a job, company, or industry... or do you want to change careers, start a side hustle, or become a full-time entrepreneur? Especially if you're a Boomer or Gen Xer, you may not have the tools you need to make that change, and if that's the case, this book is for you.
· Have you been fired?
· Laid off?
· Feeling the financial squeeze of the pandemic?
· Sick of where you find yourself, even if you're looking at retirement and not sure where it will leave you?
This book is for you, too.
Changing jobs or careers over 50 sounds daunting when you drill down and start lining up all the elements that need to be in place to be successful, but it isn't - if you have a plan and stick to it.
As older people, we often feel passed over. Potential employers may not want us because we're too close to retirement age, don't have the energy of our younger counterparts, or simply aren't up on the latest changes in business culture and technology. The world of work has changed a lot since we first entered the workforce, and we're not sure if it's still a place where we can set new goals and succeed. If we're honest with ourselves, we're probably more than a little bit frustrated.
Many of us are not in a financial position to retire, and even if we're financially secure, we might not be ready to step out of the game. Work not only defined our careers but may have formed our identities and the basis of our social lives. It made us feel valuable and productive. We were good at what we did. How do we start all over again now?
Our goal with this book is to guide you through the steps that will take you to your next job, whether that's...
· A traditional one working for someone else,
· A job you've created for yourself as a side hustle, or
· Something in between that provides you with the flexibility to work when you want to work.
We'll show you the path. And all you have to do is take the first step.
Read No Limit Over 50 and start the rest of your life.