Whilst on Spring Break, Sandra, a very fit, smart, partying twenty-four years old, is lured away from her friends by strangers: are hell-bent on making her their meal. Vampires!
The four ancient vamps take her to their ancient underground lair where they plan to have their way with her by draining her of her life's blood. But as all stories go, they make a big mistake. She is a cage fighting MMA fighter with over twenty KOs under her belt. She can take out a few, yet she is taken down. Not kilt, but turned into one of them.
She wakes up the next day with a terrible hangover and that dream. She reaches for her neck and nothing. That day, she cannot go out with her friends because she is deathly sick. Whilst her partying, beach loving friends are out on the beach, she dies and comes back a full-on vamp thirsty for the red stuff.
We splash forward three years and this genius, Scientist, MMA cage fighter is trying all she can to rid herself of her vampiric condition. And like Dr. Frankenstein, she made a big mistake. Or was it Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Any ways. She turns herself invisible by accident.
And her werewolf, female, obese, snacking, roomie is there too for the same type of reversal and is Sandra's her only hope of going into the real world to help her survive and to reverse the reversal thingy she did to herself.
Sandra is pissed, and now she uses her newfound powers to help rid the world of the clan who did this to her. I know, she turned herself invisible. But if they had not turned her, she would not be in this predicament.
And this is where the story takes off...